Thursday, May 24, 2012

Packing and Goodbye's

Our First Home together, we loved living here!

We arrived back in Oregon the day after graduation late in the evening. We stopped by my parents house so we could say goodbye to my Mom, who was headed the next day for her weekend retreat, then spent one last night in our cute little apartment.
We woke up early the next morning so we could be done by dinner time. I had been packing for about a month, so everything was already bubble wrapped, newspaper wrapped and paper towel wrapped and put into boxes that were just waiting to be put into the moving truck. The bed and one tea cup were the only 2 things that still needed to be packed, as well as a load of laundry that was from our trip. We got right to work, and picked up the moving truck (which they were all out of the smaller size we had planned on so they gave us an even bigger truck and an extra discount) and Alex and Rob started loading the truck while I deep cleaned the apartment. All was packed, cleaned and ready to go by the end of the day.
The only mishap we had was during the day I had been sipping on peppermint tea while cleaning. I had put my cup of tea in the microwave to warm it up, and forgot about it... until Alex picked the microwave up to load into the truck. It started leaking all over Alex and he just thought I had done a really good job cleaning out the microwave and forgot to dry it out. He eventually opened the microwave door and luckily, no harm was done to the cute cup, or the microwave, Alex's shirt just smelled of peppermint the rest of the day!
 The guys in the truck all packed and ready to be weighed!
We headed to the Wales home for the night, and Nancy had made everyone dinner.

The next evening, the families got together at the Wallaert's home to say goodbye.

Mushu and J-Rod, I will so miss my sister and best friend! Can't wait for her visit this Summer!

Justin, Crystal and Nicole

Greatest Mom and Dad!

Love my siblings! So much!

Alex with his Grandparents!
Our last night we stayed at my parents house, early Sunday morning we left to start our trip!

Before I forget, like last time, this post's recipe! I have made these scrumptious, and I mean scrumptious cinnamon sugar muffins that I have made TWICE in the last 3 days! The first batch Alex and I ate all ourselves, the next we shared a little with Phil and Dave (two of Alex's friends from WOCS and flight school) So here it is, these little muffins are great with coffee in the morning, or as desert after dinner, or anytime of the day because they're soooo delicious!

Cinnamon Sugar muffins:
(This recipe makes 12 muffins, but could be easily doubled)
1 1/2 C flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
In mixing bowl, combine above ingredients and set aside.
Pre heat oven to 350, and grease muffin tins with cooking spray.
Cream together:
1/2 c shortening
1/2 c sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c buttermilk (the secret is in the buttermilk!!!)
Add flour mixture to creamed mixture and stire until ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
Place batter in greased muffin tin and bake for 20-25 minutes.
While muffins are baking, melt 4 Tbs butter and in separate bowl combine 1/2 c sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon.
When muffins are still warm, but have cooled about 10 minutes, dip the tops in butter, and immerse in cinnamon sugar mixture. This is the end result:

You have been warned. These are so addicting!

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