Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Katie's High School Graduation

I initially was going to title this entry "Mushu's Graduation" but Mushu doesn't seem quite the right name to be put together with 'graduation.' Which is sad to me. If I had my way, Mushu would stay baby Mushu forever, but it cannot be and this is just one step closer to her really growing all the way up! I was so happy to be able to go home for the occassion and only wished Alex could have been there too! I was able to visit the Oregon Coast, take advantage of no sales tax by doing some shopping at the outlet malls, Mom made sure I am well stocked up on hair products (thank you Mom!) Katie and I got our toes done, I was able to meet my new nephew Blake for the first time and visit with all our sweet nieces and nephews, visit with my Aunt Kim and Uncle Jim a bit,also with the Wales family, go to Church and the movies, out to many dinners with different family members and of course help in the celebrating of Mushu's graduation! (There, I put the two together and it didn't sound bad at all in a sentence! Maybe it's just the title where it just doesn't fit?) It was a great time home and thankfully, the time in between our next visit is short! Only 2 short months! Yay!!!
Last night Alex and I tried a new recipe from Rachael Ray! With the weather being hotter than the hubs, the only things that sound too apetizing are salads and anything BBQ! We tweeked it a little to make it more flavorful and to our liking and it turned out healthy and delicious! Here it is:

 Asparagus and Sticky Chicken with Rice:
8-12 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1 bunch of asparagus
1 bunch of green onions
long grain brown or white rice
For the marinade:
2 Tbsp honey
juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp red pepper flakes
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tsp brown sugar
2 Tbsp rice wine vinegar
1/2 c. low sodium soy sauce

Let chicken thighs sit in marinade overnight. Grill chicken until thouroughly cooked. Boil asparagus for 2 minutes in 1 inch of water in a sauce pan. Shock asparagus by immediately removing from boiling water into an ice bath. Next, grill asparagus. Slice Chicken into strips and place with asparagus onto rice. Thinly slice green onions at an angle and sprinkle on top of chicken.
Optional: Top with slivered and toasted almonds.

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