Thursday, March 21, 2013

Army Aircraft Selection

The day we had been waiting for since we found out Alex had been accepted into the Army's Warrant Officer "street to seat" program finally arrived! Wednesday, February 27, 2013 was Aircraft selection day for Alex and his classmates.
The "OML" (Order of Merit List) determines each soldiers class standing. The OML combines your grades for academics, check rides and the PT (physical training) test, and ranks you and your clasmates.  In each class, they are asked a couple weeks prior to selection to write down their dream list for aircraft. The four choices being the Chinook, Blackhawk, Apache and Kiowa helicopters and then the day of selection the amount of each aircraft available for selection is revealed, as is their class standing. Those higher on the OML get first pick of the available aircraft and from there on goes down the list until the last aviator chooses what is left.
The day before selection, Alex's class had their PT test. The PT test consists of 3 parts and in order to recieve a perfect score, you must accomplish 80 sit ups in 2 minutes,75 push ups in 2 minutes and a 2 mile run in under 13 minutes. Alex has always done well on PT tests, but has always been within 2 points of recieving a perfect score, and this PT test was worth a lot of points on the OML, so it was Alex's goal to make a perfect score when it really counted- he was VERY motivated to be able to be high enough on the OML to select the newest model of Blackhawks (the Mike model) In the early morning we had breakfast together and I prayed for him all morning. We also were very aware and thankful for al the prayers back home! His stats are the following: 86 sit ups in 2 minutes, 80 pushups in 2 minutes and 12:58 for the 2 mile run. I am SO proud of him! Woohoo! Beyond a perfect score!
Day of selection revealed there were 0 Chinooks, 5 Blackhawks, 4 Apaches and 3 Kiowas. Alex was high enough to be able to have his pick of any of the aircrafts, and ultimately decided (yes, you guessed it!) a Mike Model Blackhawk!!!

The Big, Beautiful Bird Alex gets to fly!
First Day of the Blackhawk course is March 19, 2013 and we couldn't be more excited! Along with selction, we were also able to put down our top 3 choices of where we would like to be stationed next. The 5 places we were able to choose from were Germany, Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Riley in Kansas, Fort Campbell in Kentucky and Fort Drumm in New York. We put down
1. Germany 2. Fort Drumm, New York, and 3. Fort Campbell, Kentucky. We should know sometime around June where we will be headed! The expected graduation date for Alex is early August if all goes well. We are so excited and thankful for all the well wishes and prayers! We are feeling very blessed!

Garlic White Sauce Chicken Pizza
I made this a short while ago and it turned out great! I was thining of Papa Murphy's White Chicken Pizza. The roasted garlic used to make the white sauce is a must-do since roasted garlic and fresh garlic differ so much in intensity of flavor. Hope you enjoy!

Ingredients for Pizza:
Pizza dough (home made or store bought, I like Pilsbury pizza dough)
Chopped roasted, seasoned chicken (I bought this from the deli meat department because of convenience)
Mozarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
3 green onions, finely diced
1 whole tomato, finely chopped
Ingredients for roasted garlic white sauce:
1-2 whole heads of roasted garlic (to roast garlic, simply chop the tops off, drizzle with olive oil and bake in oven for about 30 minutes) the garlic will be browned at the top and popping out of its casing. Peel remaining casings off of garlic and blend in a food processor until somewhat smooth.
2 Tbs. flour
1 Tbs. butter
1/2 c. milk
1/4 c. 1/2 & 1/2
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
1/4 c. parmesan cheese (or more)
1/4 c. mozarella

Start by melting the butter and adding the roasted garlic. Let sautee for a minute or two then add the flour. Followed by the milks and seasoning. While whisking, allow mixture to thicken then add cheese. Set aside.

Spread white sauce over partially baked pizza dough. Sprinkle cheeses generously, then add the chicken and veggies. Followed by another lighter sprinkling of Parmesan cheese. Bake in the oven at 425 or until cheese is slightly browned, hot and bubbly. Voila! I hope you enjoy!

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