Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Beginning of Our Adventures!

I like to think of out love story like Anne and Gilbert’s in my favorite book “Anne of Green Gables” (only much better) what started out as friendship turned into something sweeter, and it just keeps getting better! We met in high school and started dating our Senior year. After high school graduation, Alex went on to Oregon State University majoring in microbiology. In the summer Alex earned his EMT certification and began working for Rural Metro Ambulance Co. while volunteering at the local fire department and Emanuel Hospital. I attended the local Community College for two years, transferred to Portland State University, majoring in Child and Family Studies, and worked at a bank, pre school and local coffee shop. Alex would drive home every weekend so we could spend time with one another.  We got engaged on Christmas Eve 2009 and grew even closer planning our wedding together. Our wedding day finally came July 30,2011 and it was every bit the day I had dreamt about since I was a little girl with the lacey white dress, dancing the night away, and the most wonderful groom!

Since High School, Alex had envisioned himself as a medical doctor, but realized while working for the ambulance company and volunteering at the hospital that his favorite part of emergency medicine was the interaction with Life Flight and the flight crews.  Alex had been told the requirements for flying was perfect vision, and that eye surgery would disqualify an applicant, but the desire to fly persisted.  After much research, Alex found that the military was now accepting pilots who had had surgery for corrected vision.  He began visiting with different military recruiters, and found that the Army had a flight program that, if accepted, would guarantee a position in flight school! God perfectly orchestrated every detail; even the eye doctor had been an eye surgeon for the Air Force and was very reassuring.

  Alex had eye surgery and all went perfectly, with results even better than anticipated! Alex had to wait 6 months to proceed with his flight physical, and then he proceeded to the actual application! We both were so nervous, anxious and excited! It was a long process for Alex that involved reference letters, essays, retrieving transcripts, resumes, etc. and an interview in front of a local board who would then send their recommendations to the board in Alabama.  We were told that his application would be submitted, and if he was not accepted, it would automatically be resubmitted to the next month’s board. If denied the second time, he would have to wait 6 months and resubmit it again, if denied the third time, he would not have another chance.  We got word that Alex was not accepted at the first month’s board. It was a disappointment, even his recruiters made the comment that “if Alex Wales doesn’t get accepted, I don’t know who would!” but we were still hopeful.  About 30 days later, Alex got a call that he was ACCEPTED!!! He was one of 6 in the entire US! Gosh I was so proud of him!

 We were told that it would be at least 6 months until he would be attending basic training. We were anxious to start our journey, but also, thankful and enjoying our time being newly married. We knew being accepted meant 12 weeks of basic training, 7 weeks of Officer schooling and 18 months of flight school in Alabama (in which I would be able to move with him)  After swearing in, to everyone’s surprise, a spot opened up, and we were told he had 6 weeks until basic training.  It was a shock, but we both knew God has perfect timing. Unsure of whether he would be able to come home for Christmas break, we said our goodbyes, and immediately started corresponding through letters knowing that this is just the beginning!

1 comment:

  1. It's about time! I'm glad you started a blog. What a good idea :-)
