Tuesday, May 29, 2012

From Oregon to Alabama!

With all of our belongings packed away in the moving truck, we began our trek from our home state, Oregon to our new home in Alabama! Although we knew it would be a long drive, we were both so looking forward to the time spent with eachother! We calculated that since being married in July, we had been together 110 days, and spent 157 days apart. The 157 days apart where the only communication we had was via letters about 95% of the time. Only towards the end of WOCS was Alex allowed a half hour call Wednesdays and Sundays. We were also looking forward to seeing parts of the beautiful country together!

Day 1:
Sunday, May 6th
We began our journey early in the morning on Sunday. We traveled from Colton, OR to Ogden, Utah a total of 748 miles. Approximately 12.5 hours travel time. Our moving truck was only able to go a maximum of 32 mph up the steep hills, so it probably took us a little longer than if we had been driving our Jeep across country;)
Beautiful Oregon!

Leaving Oregon, but we'll be back!

Entering Idaho (blurry, but I improved by the end of the trip as you'll see!)

We arrived in Utah late in the evening Sunday.(But didn't I do a good job at catching the sign?!)

Day 2:
Monday, May 7
From Ogden, Utah to Denver, Colorado. A total of 525 miles. Colorado is one of my favorite States and Alex had never been before, so we decided to make it a date night! This was the only meal we didn't eat fast food, we didn't pack many "going out" clothes, so we chose a more casual and fun little Mexican restaurant. Alex loved Denver (maybe almost as much as me... maybe;)  It was great to get out and about in the city! Can't wait to go back already!


Arriving in Denver! This was the only time during our trip that we experienced rain, it was all sunny skies the next morning when we woke up!

Day 3:
Tuesday, May 8
From Denver, Colorado to Shawnee, Oklahoma. 706 miles, a little over 11 hours travel time.
Ready to start another day on the road!

You'rte probably wondering if Alex drove the whole way, and he did! Minus about 25 minutes! He is an excellent driver, and it made me too nervous to drive such a huge truck!

Kind of far away, but we're in Kansas!

O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A! Oklahoma!!!

Day 4:
Wednesday, May 9 (to early morning Thursday, May 10)
Shawnee, Oklahoma to Enterprise, Alabama!!! We made our last day the longest yet! We were anxious to finally be off the road so Alex drove through the night. I also stayed up with him,and vowed to never nap so he would always have company. On the second day I closed my eyes for about 15 minutes, woke up and said "woops" but it never happened again! We stayed outside Fort Rucker's gates because our housing appointment was the next morning at 10:00am.
Last Day on the road! Woohoo!

Arkansas- worst traffic ever! I felt like it would have been much safer to just wear helmets and bullet proof vests around this State! Yikes!

 Alex's friend friend from WOCS, Dave Reynolds who is from California, met up with us around Tennessee and we ate dinner at Pizza Hut that night.

Getting Closer!!

It was too dark outside to get a State sign pic of Alabama, it was around 2:00am when we arrived at our destination! We made it!
The next day we went to our housing appointment ans began moving into our new home at Fort Rucker and our road trip officially ended. We had intended to bring along a book on tape, however, the noisy truck prevented us from being able to listen to too much so even if we had brought along a CD of any type, the chances of us being able to actually hear were very slim. We were just so happy to get to be together again!
 I sat in the middle seat right next to Alex the whole trip! I did get grumpy once when trying to call to set up internet for our new house. I was on the phone for more than a half hour with a man from India, who was trying to sell me a million different products (I am sure you have all experienced that phone call) what made things worse was that I already couldn't hear very well in the noisy truck, and trying to write any sort of readable confirmation number down while driving down the bumpy roads was near impossible. We didn't stop to see any tourist attractions, I did want to stop at Christmas Land (what could be more wonderful than Christmas 24/7 7 days a week?! But Alex wasn't as enthusiastic about it as I was) All in all it was a great trip and time together for us!  

Our new home! 33 Urell Street
                          Fort Rucker, AL

We had taco night a couple weeks back and I wanted to make home made salsa. I got this recipe off of pinterest and it was a success! Everyone really liked it! My advice is that you wear plastic gloves when chopping the jalapenos! I rubbed my eyes shortly after I made this and it BURNSSSSS!!! I was in the shower and Alex had to pour me a glass of milk so I could rinse my eyes out, (it relieved the burn after a few minutes) Here is the link for the recipe. I halved the recipe and it still made a lot.

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