Thursday, January 5, 2012

Counting Down the 27 Days...

Alex left for basic training the week of Thanksgiving, it was hard to say goodbye, not knowing for certain the next time he would be able to return home, but we both hoped that he would be able to take leave to visit for our first Christmas. I want to share a little bit of what went on in his first month being in training, and what I did to keep myself sane! This is a link that Lieutenant Colonel Allen keeps families of soldiers updated. It is so nice to check everyday so I feel like I know what Alex is up to each day. I am so thankful for the technology we have today!!/pages/3rd-Battalion-60th-Infantry-Regiment-RIVER-RAIDERS/126205517413061

My Grandma Brecht shared with me that she had been married for only a couple of weeks before my Grandpa Brecht went to WW2 for 2 YEARS before they saw each other again. When I feel sad that we have to be apart, I think of my Grandma and Grandpa as well as other military couples today that are separated for months and even years and it makes us being apart for just these few months much more bearable!

For the first week, Alex was basically in processing, which Alex said is even worse than actual training, because it involves just standing around for hours. Those of you who know Alex well, know that he loves to talk J and besides being away from family, the not being able to talk is the most difficult part for him.  Alex performed very well in all of the physical tests and was placed in the top performer’s company, Alpha Co. Alex was thankful for all the letters he received, they are what he looks forward to, as well as Church on Sunday, where he really enjoys that chaplains uplifting messages.

This is Alex’s address: SPC Wales, Alexander

                                    A Co. 3/60th IN REG

                                    193rd IN BDE

                                    5482 Jackson Blvd.

                                    Fort Jackson, SC 29207

Also, it helps if on the back flap you write: 1st PLT Predators.  When Alex left the message with his address, I originally thought he said “1st PLT Creditors” and the drill Sergeants did not appreciate that!  

During our month apart, I tried staying as busy as I could, and had the time to do many things I have not been able to do in the past. For the first time in 4 years, I am just working part time and finishing school, instead of 2 (sometimes 3 jobs) and school. I am so thankful for my hard working husband, giving me the opportunity to have more free time! I finished up my Fall term at PSU, and took on more shifts at the coffee shop. I had so much fun decorating our home for our first Christmas! I bought garland, and found myself really enjoying doing crafts. I GAVE my first cooking lesson to a friend, had a lot of quality time with my sister and Mom, watched many musicals and chick flicks and crossed making Julia Child’s boef bourguignon off my bucket list. I also read 3 books (The Help, and two Francine Rivers books) just for the fun of it! One positive thing about our separation is the letters. I think it’s romantic to send and receive letters, the anticipation of ripping open the letter to find out what Alex has been doing is better than waiting for Christmas Eve night to turn into Christmas morning!

I will close this post with one of my special recipes; shrimp scampi! It is the meal I taught my friend how to make. It is simple, and is destined to impress your most skeptical dinner guests! It’s also the first recipe I made after Alex and I were married!

Amy’s Shrimp Scampi:


4 Tbs butter

Olive oil

Angel hair pasta (I use whole wheat)

1 ½ c. Freshly grated parmesan cheese

4 green onion, finely chopped at an agle

2 Tbs. lemon

2 tsp. red pepper flakes

16-18 raw shrimp

1-2 c. white wine

3 garlic cloves, finely grated

Fresh parsley, chopped

Peel and devein shrimp. In large skillt, Melt butter over stove top and add shrimp. Add ½ c. white wine and half of the fresh garlic and parsley.   Cook pasta in until al dente. Drain pasta and add to skillet. Add olive oil. Add red pepper flakes, green onion, remaining garlic and lemon juice to pasta. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and remaining parsley flakes.So simple and so delicious! Perfect quick date night dinner! I hope you LOVE this recipe as much as I do!

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